Officer Responsibilities
Tap/click on the the '+' symbol to see the responsibilities for each position.
This position has a 2-year term that offers the stimulating opportunity to meet a wider range of guild members and deepen your own knowledge of the handweaving community and its traditions. In essence, it is a lot of fun! And while there are increased responsibilities, they are shared with your Co-President colleague. In addition, you have the support and encouragement of the Executive Board to help manage the usual business of the Guild and those few surprises that may pop up.
The following list of responsibilities is divided according to the year of the Co-President position, i.e. 1st year or 2nd year, although these are not strictly applied, just guidelines. The first year of Co-Presidency is primarily an apprentice opportunity where you see how communication and logistics are managed and help out with these tasks. During the second year of the Co-Presidency, you assume primary responsibility for usual activities. During both years, you may and should contribute your insight into how to sustain and improve programs, workshops, special events, and other offerings to our Guild membership. Anyone who accepts this position is encouraged and expected to ask many questions as you learn the ropes and prepare programming for the ensuing seasons.
1st year Co-President Tasks
1. Facilitate the business portion of the monthly Guild meeting
2. Facilitate the entire monthly Guild meeting if your colleague is not able to attend
3. Help create the agenda for the monthly meeting
4. Help create the agenda and attend Executive Board meetings (usually January and August or September)
5. Coordinate lunch arrangements for invited in-person speakers with Co-President colleague and Executive Board
6. Help make the final decision to cancel a monthly meeting due to an expectation of bad weather. Contact Membership Chair, Webmaster, and Facebook manager. Ensure that the East Berlin Library is contacted if a meeting is cancelled. In the case of localized bad weather, i.e. East Berlin, Adams County, call the library to determine if it will be opening. If the facility will not be opening, coordinate with the Co-President in notifying membership and webmaster and facebook manager.
7. May/will contact possible speakers, contract with said speakers, and initiate conversations with potential speakers/presenter/workshop sponsors. Should add to the ‘running’ spreadsheet of program ideas, program speakers, workshop presenters, content interests, and ‘exchange’ activities.
8. Keep newsletter author informed of Guild activities and supplied with relevant information for newsletter, including biographical information about each speaker/presenter.
2nd year Co-President Tasks
1. Facilitate monthly Guild Meeting – welcoming new members and guests and provide an introduction for the invited speaker.
2. Help create the meeting agenda with your Co-President colleague.
3. Help create the Executive Board (Officers) meeting agenda and facilitate Executive Board Meeting.
4. Keep in communication with the employees of the Trone Memorial Library to ensure that our membership is following the parking guidelines and that we are leaving the meeting room clean and in good order. Keep a check on library activities that may impact our meeting time and area.
5. If a meeting is to be held elsewhere, set the meeting time and place with other locations.
For any meetings using the pavilion at EBACC, have the Treasurer send them their payment the month before our use of their facility.
6. Decide if the monthly meeting will be cancelled due to bad weather. Ensure contact of Membership Chair, Webmaster, and Facebook manager so that notices can be made to all members via email, the Guild's web site and Facebook posting. Ensure coordination and communication with the library regarding the cancellation of the Guild meeting and/or the closing of the entire facility.
7. Provide point of contact for each month’s speaker. This includes arranging/signing a contract and approval of fees, coordinating the facilities and equipment needed for the program, assisting with equipment/room set up, transportation (if needed), and ensuring someone is on hand (volunteers!) to help the speaker unload and carry items to the meeting room.
8. Solicit an introduction or biographical sketch from the speaker, arrange for a friend from the Guild to introduce the speaker, or write an introduction for the speaker from publicly available information. Make sure to provide a professional, respectable introduction for each speaker. Ensure that Newsletter Coordinator receives the bio or introduction 1.5 weeks before the
monthly meeting so that it may appear in the Newsletter.
9. Coordinate with Treasurer so that speaker’s fee is available at the conclusion of their program. If you have a card, give the fee with a thank you card.
10. For in-person invited speakers, The Executive Board is usually invited to have lunch with the speaker at Sidney’s or Hog Wild BBQ or ....., with the speaker’s lunch being covered by the Guild. Co-Presidents coordinate making the reservation and inviting people to join for that luncheon.
11. Elicit feedback from membership on ‘issues’ as arise and which impact functioning of the guild.
12. Address/solve problems and calm personality issues among membership as they arise and as brought to your attention.
13. Stay in contact with liason from guild who has volunteered to be point person for ‘educational’ and ‘demonstration’ requests—if there is such an education and demonstration coordinating role/person.
NOTE: At the conclusion of your 2nd year term as Co-President ends, you are invited (and expected) to serve one more year on the Executive Board to maintain continuity with any programming or management elements that you have introduced or implemented and will be transferring to the next Co-Presidents.
The following list of responsibilities is divided according to the year of the Co-President position, i.e. 1st year or 2nd year, although these are not strictly applied, just guidelines. The first year of Co-Presidency is primarily an apprentice opportunity where you see how communication and logistics are managed and help out with these tasks. During the second year of the Co-Presidency, you assume primary responsibility for usual activities. During both years, you may and should contribute your insight into how to sustain and improve programs, workshops, special events, and other offerings to our Guild membership. Anyone who accepts this position is encouraged and expected to ask many questions as you learn the ropes and prepare programming for the ensuing seasons.
1st year Co-President Tasks
1. Facilitate the business portion of the monthly Guild meeting
2. Facilitate the entire monthly Guild meeting if your colleague is not able to attend
3. Help create the agenda for the monthly meeting
4. Help create the agenda and attend Executive Board meetings (usually January and August or September)
5. Coordinate lunch arrangements for invited in-person speakers with Co-President colleague and Executive Board
6. Help make the final decision to cancel a monthly meeting due to an expectation of bad weather. Contact Membership Chair, Webmaster, and Facebook manager. Ensure that the East Berlin Library is contacted if a meeting is cancelled. In the case of localized bad weather, i.e. East Berlin, Adams County, call the library to determine if it will be opening. If the facility will not be opening, coordinate with the Co-President in notifying membership and webmaster and facebook manager.
7. May/will contact possible speakers, contract with said speakers, and initiate conversations with potential speakers/presenter/workshop sponsors. Should add to the ‘running’ spreadsheet of program ideas, program speakers, workshop presenters, content interests, and ‘exchange’ activities.
8. Keep newsletter author informed of Guild activities and supplied with relevant information for newsletter, including biographical information about each speaker/presenter.
2nd year Co-President Tasks
1. Facilitate monthly Guild Meeting – welcoming new members and guests and provide an introduction for the invited speaker.
2. Help create the meeting agenda with your Co-President colleague.
3. Help create the Executive Board (Officers) meeting agenda and facilitate Executive Board Meeting.
4. Keep in communication with the employees of the Trone Memorial Library to ensure that our membership is following the parking guidelines and that we are leaving the meeting room clean and in good order. Keep a check on library activities that may impact our meeting time and area.
5. If a meeting is to be held elsewhere, set the meeting time and place with other locations.
For any meetings using the pavilion at EBACC, have the Treasurer send them their payment the month before our use of their facility.
6. Decide if the monthly meeting will be cancelled due to bad weather. Ensure contact of Membership Chair, Webmaster, and Facebook manager so that notices can be made to all members via email, the Guild's web site and Facebook posting. Ensure coordination and communication with the library regarding the cancellation of the Guild meeting and/or the closing of the entire facility.
7. Provide point of contact for each month’s speaker. This includes arranging/signing a contract and approval of fees, coordinating the facilities and equipment needed for the program, assisting with equipment/room set up, transportation (if needed), and ensuring someone is on hand (volunteers!) to help the speaker unload and carry items to the meeting room.
8. Solicit an introduction or biographical sketch from the speaker, arrange for a friend from the Guild to introduce the speaker, or write an introduction for the speaker from publicly available information. Make sure to provide a professional, respectable introduction for each speaker. Ensure that Newsletter Coordinator receives the bio or introduction 1.5 weeks before the
monthly meeting so that it may appear in the Newsletter.
9. Coordinate with Treasurer so that speaker’s fee is available at the conclusion of their program. If you have a card, give the fee with a thank you card.
10. For in-person invited speakers, The Executive Board is usually invited to have lunch with the speaker at Sidney’s or Hog Wild BBQ or ....., with the speaker’s lunch being covered by the Guild. Co-Presidents coordinate making the reservation and inviting people to join for that luncheon.
11. Elicit feedback from membership on ‘issues’ as arise and which impact functioning of the guild.
12. Address/solve problems and calm personality issues among membership as they arise and as brought to your attention.
13. Stay in contact with liason from guild who has volunteered to be point person for ‘educational’ and ‘demonstration’ requests—if there is such an education and demonstration coordinating role/person.
NOTE: At the conclusion of your 2nd year term as Co-President ends, you are invited (and expected) to serve one more year on the Executive Board to maintain continuity with any programming or management elements that you have introduced or implemented and will be transferring to the next Co-Presidents.
The Treasurer shall:
i. be the principal finance officer of the Organization;
ii. have the charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the Organization;
iii. keep accurate books of account and records of financial transactions and the condition of the Organization and shall submit such reports thereof as the EC may from time to time require;
iv. make an annual financial report and present a proposed budget for the ensuing year to the membership at the annual meeting in June. The budget shall be approved by the EC and the membership;
v. in general, perform all duties incident to such office and such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to such person by the Co-Presidents or the EC.
i. be the principal finance officer of the Organization;
ii. have the charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the Organization;
iii. keep accurate books of account and records of financial transactions and the condition of the Organization and shall submit such reports thereof as the EC may from time to time require;
iv. make an annual financial report and present a proposed budget for the ensuing year to the membership at the annual meeting in June. The budget shall be approved by the EC and the membership;
v. in general, perform all duties incident to such office and such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to such person by the Co-Presidents or the EC.
CPGH Membership Coordinator Duties
Requests for membership:
Access Data Base Membership Files maintained on my computer, which can easily transfer to an Excel file and handed off. This includes all CPGH members since 2014, and Current Active Members
Annual Membership Renewal:
Requests for membership:
- Application with questionnaire sent via email or supplied in person
- Treasurer verifies payment received
- Welcome letter sent via email with website access
- Name Tag created and shared with the new member at the next in person meeting.
Access Data Base Membership Files maintained on my computer, which can easily transfer to an Excel file and handed off. This includes all CPGH members since 2014, and Current Active Members
- Updated Active Membership Report provided monthly to CPGH Webmaster
- Notification of New Members sent to Newsletter Editor Monthly
- Annual New Member Report available anytime upon request
Annual Membership Renewal:
- Notification regarding membership renewals provided to the Newsletter Editor for the September and October Newsletters.
- Payments are accepted and recorded by CPGH Treasurer in a shared membership data base.
- Gentle reminders are emailed to unpaid members after the October meeting
- Notification of inactive membership emailed to unpaid members after the November meeting.
- Updated Active Membership Report provided to Co-Pres and Webmaster after the November meeting
- Updated Inactive Membership Report for the renewal season provided to Co-Presidents after the November meeting
Newsletter editor
The newsletter editor is responsible for composing the Guild’s monthly newsletter and seeing that it is made available to the membership via the website. Every editor finds their own way to accomplish this task. The current editor follows these steps:
1. About mid-month, the editor sends to the officers and those holding appointed positions an email with a deadline requesting pertinent information for the next newsletter. Important items to gather include information about the upcoming program and speaker; the Zoom link; news regarding the library, GAP program, and MAFA; any new members; and any other newsworthy items of interest to the Guild. Anyone is permitted to submit newsletter items.
2. The editor then checks the copy for spelling and clarity. The newsletter is formatted using a Word template. A thank-you to the previous month’s speaker is added. Photographs of Show and Share items are obtained and included. At the end of the newsletter, a calendar of upcoming programs as well as a listing of officers and position-holders is updated and added.
3. The template is then converted to a PDF file and emailed to the Guild Webmaster, who places the file on the Guild website one week before the upcoming meeting. After the newsletter is on the website, the editor sends an email out to members notifying them that the newsletter is available to read.
1. About mid-month, the editor sends to the officers and those holding appointed positions an email with a deadline requesting pertinent information for the next newsletter. Important items to gather include information about the upcoming program and speaker; the Zoom link; news regarding the library, GAP program, and MAFA; any new members; and any other newsworthy items of interest to the Guild. Anyone is permitted to submit newsletter items.
2. The editor then checks the copy for spelling and clarity. The newsletter is formatted using a Word template. A thank-you to the previous month’s speaker is added. Photographs of Show and Share items are obtained and included. At the end of the newsletter, a calendar of upcoming programs as well as a listing of officers and position-holders is updated and added.
3. The template is then converted to a PDF file and emailed to the Guild Webmaster, who places the file on the Guild website one week before the upcoming meeting. After the newsletter is on the website, the editor sends an email out to members notifying them that the newsletter is available to read.
MAFA Representative
Guild representatives (reps) are responsible for electing MAFA officers to two-year terms, as defined in the MAFA bylaws. While the officers run the day-to-day activities of MAFA, the guild representatives are the two-way communication link between MAFA and the representative’s local guild. They are asked to:
● Share MAFA activities and opportunities with their local guild members, and
● Inform MAFA about guild activities so that information can be shared among the region’s guilds.
Each guild is entitled to one voting representative. A representative may represent more than one guild. Due to the size of the Mid-Atlantic region, which limits the feasibility of physical meetings, most MAFA business is conducted electronically.
Representative assemblies are held two or three times a year. They consist of:
● A teleconference in September or October
● A physical meeting at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival in May
● A meeting at the biennial conference, at which officers are elected
Responsibilities of the MAFA Representative
● Attend representatives’ meetings, or if unable to attend, arrange for alternate representative to be present;
● Keep the local guild informed about MAFA activities and opportunities;
● Encourage guild participation in MAFA’s biennial conference;
● Provide information about the local guild to the MAFA Membership Coordinator;
● Provide information about guild programs and activities to MAFA; and
● Supply current membership list to Membership Coordinator by October 1 along with dues payment in even numbered years.
Term of Office
Per MAFA’s bylaws, representatives shall serve for two-year terms, beginning on
October 1 of even-numbered years.
Guild representatives (reps) are responsible for electing MAFA officers to two-year terms, as defined in the MAFA bylaws. While the officers run the day-to-day activities of MAFA, the guild representatives are the two-way communication link between MAFA and the representative’s local guild. They are asked to:
● Share MAFA activities and opportunities with their local guild members, and
● Inform MAFA about guild activities so that information can be shared among the region’s guilds.
Each guild is entitled to one voting representative. A representative may represent more than one guild. Due to the size of the Mid-Atlantic region, which limits the feasibility of physical meetings, most MAFA business is conducted electronically.
Representative assemblies are held two or three times a year. They consist of:
● A teleconference in September or October
● A physical meeting at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival in May
● A meeting at the biennial conference, at which officers are elected
Responsibilities of the MAFA Representative
● Attend representatives’ meetings, or if unable to attend, arrange for alternate representative to be present;
● Keep the local guild informed about MAFA activities and opportunities;
● Encourage guild participation in MAFA’s biennial conference;
● Provide information about the local guild to the MAFA Membership Coordinator;
● Provide information about guild programs and activities to MAFA; and
● Supply current membership list to Membership Coordinator by October 1 along with dues payment in even numbered years.
Term of Office
Per MAFA’s bylaws, representatives shall serve for two-year terms, beginning on
October 1 of even-numbered years.
The librarian is responsible for the guild's collection currently housed at East Berlin Area Community Center.
1. Select books and DVDs based on member suggestions, reviews in weaving sources (Handwoven, Shuttle Spindle and Dyepot, websites, blogs, etc.) as well as those written by in-person presenters.
2. Make membership aware of newly added items.
3.Catalog items by entering the information into the existing Excel database following the established format (author, title, subject, publisher, ISBN number, publication date, pages, Pourrey information, notes, donated by, date added, and cost.) Catalog information is done according to Pourrey Cross Textile Library classification.
4. Upload additions to the collection to the online site which is currently GoogleDrive.
5..Create and attach a spine label with the Pourrey Cross number and first letter of author's last name. This will be the shelf location for each item.
6. Maintain the check-out log. Re-shelve returned items.
7. Current procedure for guild members:
Contact librarian with requests via email. The librarian will go to EBACC during their open hours, get the requested item(s), enter information on check-out log and bring item(s) to the next meeting for the requester who has them until the next meeting. Items can be renewed.
1. Select books and DVDs based on member suggestions, reviews in weaving sources (Handwoven, Shuttle Spindle and Dyepot, websites, blogs, etc.) as well as those written by in-person presenters.
2. Make membership aware of newly added items.
3.Catalog items by entering the information into the existing Excel database following the established format (author, title, subject, publisher, ISBN number, publication date, pages, Pourrey information, notes, donated by, date added, and cost.) Catalog information is done according to Pourrey Cross Textile Library classification.
4. Upload additions to the collection to the online site which is currently GoogleDrive.
5..Create and attach a spine label with the Pourrey Cross number and first letter of author's last name. This will be the shelf location for each item.
6. Maintain the check-out log. Re-shelve returned items.
7. Current procedure for guild members:
Contact librarian with requests via email. The librarian will go to EBACC during their open hours, get the requested item(s), enter information on check-out log and bring item(s) to the next meeting for the requester who has them until the next meeting. Items can be renewed.
After each monthly meeting:
1. Change the About Us: page to reflect the next meeting date/time.
2. Update Speakers/Topics for Meeting page to move the most recent meeting into the past.
3. When it is available, post a link to the zoom meeting recording (or download and upload to the website). Notify the membership chair that the recording is available and the date that it will be removed from the site.
4. On the appropriate date, remove the zoom recording from the site.
5. Post any available pictures from show and share to the photo gallery. Notes for the pictures can usually be found in the meeting minutes.
6. Post meeting minutes when received.
Before each monthly meeting:
1. When received, post the monthly newsletter to the website.
2. Review the newsletter and make appropriate changes to the site. (update speakers list, etc.)
3. Post new versions of the membership list when provided.
1. In cooperation with other officers, monitor the CPGH email box and respond to or forward emails to the appropriate person.
2. Post updated library listing when provided.
3. Add items to the blog as appropriate.
4. Other updates to website as needed.
1. Coordinate with treasurer and membership coordinator for any updates related to membership renewal/dues.
2. Coordinate with membership coordinator to change the password after membership renewal is complete.
3. Coordinate with GAP committee for any updates related to GAP registration.
Every 2 years:
1. Coordinate with the treasurer to renew the domain with GoDaddy.
2. Coordinate with the treasurer to renew the Weebly plan.
1. Change the About Us: page to reflect the next meeting date/time.
2. Update Speakers/Topics for Meeting page to move the most recent meeting into the past.
3. When it is available, post a link to the zoom meeting recording (or download and upload to the website). Notify the membership chair that the recording is available and the date that it will be removed from the site.
4. On the appropriate date, remove the zoom recording from the site.
5. Post any available pictures from show and share to the photo gallery. Notes for the pictures can usually be found in the meeting minutes.
6. Post meeting minutes when received.
Before each monthly meeting:
1. When received, post the monthly newsletter to the website.
2. Review the newsletter and make appropriate changes to the site. (update speakers list, etc.)
3. Post new versions of the membership list when provided.
1. In cooperation with other officers, monitor the CPGH email box and respond to or forward emails to the appropriate person.
2. Post updated library listing when provided.
3. Add items to the blog as appropriate.
4. Other updates to website as needed.
1. Coordinate with treasurer and membership coordinator for any updates related to membership renewal/dues.
2. Coordinate with membership coordinator to change the password after membership renewal is complete.
3. Coordinate with GAP committee for any updates related to GAP registration.
Every 2 years:
1. Coordinate with the treasurer to renew the domain with GoDaddy.
2. Coordinate with the treasurer to renew the Weebly plan.